Providing food basics to those in need
The Madoc Food Bank provides much-needed food to families and individuals in Centre Hastings and Madoc Township. We do our best to provide food for registered clients for three to four days per month. Out of town requests are forwarded to sister food banks in neighbouring communities.
Opening Hours of the Madoc Food Bank:
Monday 10 am to 1 pm
Tuesday 6 pm to 8 pm
Wednesday 10 am to 2 pm
Thursday 1pm to 4 pm
To book an appointment, please contact the Madoc Food Bank by calling 613-473-5255.
There are several sources for the food we provide through the Madoc Food Bank:
The Ontario Association of Food Banks
Northumberland Regional Food Share
Kawartha Food Share
Through purchases from local food sources – grocers, butchers, egg producers and farmers.
Through the generous donations of local individuals and families who bring us wonderful donations of foodstuffs of all kinds. This is a specially appreciated gift of fresh produce during harvest season for local farmers and home produce gardeners.
Please feel free to bring us your food donations any time!
Special Programmes
In addition to the day-in/day-out operation of the Food Bank, our staff and team of volunteers work to to meet the special needs in of the community. A great example is our Christmas Sharing program.
Christmas Sharing
Christmas is definitely a time of special needs for the disadvantaged in the community. CHSN works with several volunteers and organizations to deliver “Christmas Sharing,” a Christmas food hamper and gifts for families in need.